[GUIDE] Installing OwnCloud Server on My Book Live

fsman wrote:

Your PHP version is outdated. We strongly recommend to update to 5.3.8 or newer because older versions are known to be broken. It is possible that this installation is not working correctly.

is this normal?

 Essentially, yes. The packages the WD software uses are a bit old, and ownCloud has to use the WD software. It could be upgraded, but that could potentially break the MBL functionality. Not worth the risk.

fsman wrote:

Secondly I try to update to 6.0.2 using the web admin update function as per the owncloud guide.

however I get the following error

Unable to move /var/www/owncloud/3rdparty/Archive to /var/www/owncloud/data/updater_backup/tmp/3rdparty/Archive

and the update fails


Any suggestions?

Check the permissions for /var/www/owncloud before trying the update. Apache needs write permissions. You can try

chmod ugo+w /var/www/owncloud

 before the update. This may make your installation vulnerable to security issues. Restore the permissions after the upgrade:

chmod ugo-w /var/www/owncloud

 Let me know if that helps!