Flexget on MBL/MBLD

Hey everyone!

So I was able to successfully install flexget on my mbl 4TB :slight_smile:   .   The only problem is I cant get cron to work correctly.  Here is the guide that I followed:

How to Install  FlexGet on My Book Live:

First we need to install ipkg, which allows us to install all kinds of packages specifically made for the MBL processor architecture.

wget http://mybookworld.wikidot.com/local--files/optware/setup-mybooklive.sh

Use the following command to see a list of available packages:

/opt/bin/ipkg list

Note: In order not to keep typing /opt/bin we can use the following command:

export PATH=/opt/bin:/opt/sbin:$PATH

Use the following command to see which packages are already installed:

ipkg list_installed

We need to install python 2.6, and on the MBL we have version 2.5, check this by

python -V

Install Python 2.6:

ipkg install python26

In order to use easy_install commands we also need:

ipkg install py26-setuptools

If we install  FlexGet now we will incounter to errors:

/opt/local/lib/python2.5/site-packages (in --site-dirs) does not exist

We solve this by updating the path manualy in the following file (from python2.5 to 2.6)

nano /opt/lib/python2.6/distutils/distutils.cfg

Secondly it will say “error: No space left on device” This is because the tmp folder is only 50mb big. The best solution is just to make a new temp folder and use that one instead.

mkdir /tmp2
TEMP=/tmp2 easy_install Flexget

To find the instalation folder use:

find / -name flexget -type f 2>/dev/null

It will probably be /opt/local/bin/flexget

To cron  FlexGet every 30 minutes we use:

echo "*/30 * * * * /usr/local/bin/flexget --cron" > /root/crontabfile
crontab /root/crontabfile

To make sure flexget doesn’t fill up our system partition we use:

mkdir /DataVolume/shares/Public/flexget
ln -s /DataVolume/shares/Public/flexget /root/.flexget

This will link the flexget configuration directory into the main MBL partition

If you are using flexget in combination with transmission you also have to install:

easy_install transmissionrpc

Now you can run flexget, it will create an empty configuration file. The good thing is that because we linked the folder to the public partition you can edit the file from your laptop, without having to struggle with the terminal editors like nano.

Take a good couple of houres to figure out how to configure  FlexGet. Its a long learning process but worth the effords!

Here is an example of a simple transmission coupled working config.yml:

    preset: tv
    rss: http://www.ezrss.it/feed/
      - Community
      - The Big Bang Theory
      path: /DataVolume/shares/Public/Shared Videos/%(series_name)s
      host: localhost
      port: 9091

website altered the code a bit here is the link to the guide on flexgets website. flexget.com/ticket/1579