Dead Drive?

My MyBookLive crapped out while i was downloading some files off of it. tried rebooting it but It has a solid yellow light. I pulled the drive out and am following the debrick guide but I wanted to try and salvage some of the data on it. Anyway Diskinternals says there’s nothing to recover and R-Linux is displaying the following error. “Read Disk F: at position 13240 failed after 1 attempts. Data error (cyclic redundancy check) (23)” Is the drive dead or corrupted??? Pic will be uploaded for reference.

and please spare me the backsups are important link a little to late.Sad thing is i was pulling files because I bought a new drive to have a second copy of my files.

I’d be curious what DLDIAG tells you.

CRC Erros often mean Bad Sectors on the disk.

Yeah I ran some hdd teststhis morning and s.m.a.r.t. is telling me theres 1 bad sector. But is that enough to bring down the the whole array??? Do you have any advice on how to go about this??

 Both the quick and extended DLDAIG tests failed the tool said there are too many bad sectors.