Booting Problems - PS3 Issue?

Hi all, sorry if this is a real noob question. I will tell you about my set-up.

I have a MyBook Live 1TB, hard wired to my router, power sockets for MBL and router in the same socket.

I also have a PS3, the power socket for which is in a DIFFERENT socket. I use Twonkey to stream media vis the PS3.

I have noticed recently that when I turn on my laptop the MBL does not load and I cannot access my drives. Even though the MBL power socket is on.

However, when I turn on the power socket for the PS3 (not actually powering on the PS3), the MBL files become available. I have no idea why this is happening. If I get rid of my PS3 does that mean the MBL wont load at all?

In addition, I havent seen the green LED on the front in months!



Will be good if you test the unit through the diagnostic settings and set the setting to factory defaults.

Also the network units are made to be on 24/7 so you wont have any issues if you leave the drive on all the time.

Make sure that you connect the drive directly to the wall outlet, no power strip.

Drive and router should be on all the time.

Keep in mind that the green light will be on when the drive loads the OS and is ready to be use.