Advanced Question Regarding WD Photo Database

Where can I find the catalog/database for the photos that the WD Photos app uses?  My app won’t work correctly because it’s looking for two photos that don’t exist anymore and can’t get past it when its indexing in the app.  If I could just find the file the app is referencing and either modify or delete it, I know I can get this thing working right.

Same question reworded:  In the dashboard where you click REBUILD  in the rebuild wd2go database, what file does it actually rebuild.  Thank you.

I believe the database path is “/CacheVolume/.orion/wdphotos.db” not to sure, I’d try hitting the rebuild button before messing with anything else

JayGray wrote:

… In the dashboard where you click REBUILD  in the rebuild wd2go database, what file does it actually rebuild. 

Yeah, that actually builds the WD Photos database.   As far as I know, there is no such thing as a a WD 2go database.