Accessing My Book Live from a Blackberry

When I had a Blackberry Storm I could remote access My Book Live via the WD2go apps. Now I have a Blackberry Z10 and a Blackberry Playbook for which I can find no apps from WD so have tried accessing via web. Can sucessfully log in but just get a page saying 8 shares but no files. Any help on this?

yeap, it seems there is no blackberry apps.

Click on “Apps and Advanced features”

THanks for that link, I was really trying to find out why on both my Z10 & Paybook web browsers I can’t see the shares. I can access, log in to my account and see my My Book Live device, I can sign in with my network password and then it shows that I have 8 Shares but I can’t see any of the shared files & folders. 

sounds like Java related.

Try to open case with support.