Please enable port setting for FTP

TaneOrbs wrote:

 I thought there was something about the My Book Live drive that needed to use port 20 instead, based on TonyPh12345’s image that he posted.

As I said, I only used port 20 because *you* said you had to use port 20.   I never said the MBL required you to forward port 20.  You did. :wink:

TaneOrbs wrote:

My original statement still stands… there should be MORE config options in the user interface for FTP instead of just a single “on/off” checkbox, like number of users, port setting, etc. 

That statement defies logic.

Even after nfodiz and I showed you the correct way of configuring your router, you still insist on a mechanism that requires you to configure three things to make it work?

Our way:  Configure one thing:  Your router.

Your way:  Configure the router, configure the MBL, and configure the client application to use a custom port.

That, imho, is just flat silly.  :laughing:

But if you’re “insulted” by such lack of silliness, then, well, that’s up to you.

TaneOrbs wrote:  Requiring the user to telnet onto the drive using SSH (which is enabled using a hidden page no less) and manually modify a config file, just to change options which would be easily included in the web interface… is ridiculous, and, at least to me, insulting. Just my opinion.

Oh, boy.  Where would such a demand stop?  If *any* NAS vendor allowed WEB-based configuration changes to all of the bazillion options that are actually configurable, you’d NEVER be able to sift through all the options. 

So because WD doesn’t allow changes to FTP configuation via web, you’re insulted?   What about the 30-40 OTHER FTP options that are useful?   What about the 50-100 SAMBA options which are useful?  etc. etc.

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