I need the ability to DELETE the stupid Public share

Somewhere within the My Book Live forum and this forum I discussed and wrote a way of making the Public share read-only without breaking any of the features of the Duo, so it can be done as I’ve done it. :smiley:

Luckily I kept a note saved on the my Duo.  It goes thus . . . .

Yes you can restrict the `Public` share for the NFS, AFP, FTP and SMB access.

You need to access the MBL's Linux's command line. Instructions are littered through this community.
Using the nano text editor edit /etc/trustees.conf find ...


... change this to ...


Do the same change to /tmp/trustees.mod. Within this file if you see `admin:RWBEX` for Public within the DENY LIST then remove it from the appropriate line. Make sure there is one : and not :: if you do this.

Issue the following command:

settrustees -f /tmp/trustees.mod

The `Public` share and directory is now only accessible to the owner/admin user.

This will persist through any user and share changes on the Dashboard UI. If you do any changes to `Public` share using the Dashboard UI you will need to repeat this procedure.

This gives the admin full rights to the Public folder/share and all other users should be denied access.

Hope this helps and you mess and make changes at your own risk.

Personally I have no clue why WD has been to stuborn with the issue of the Public folder. WD’s still being stuborn about this even now.  :cry:

My method makes the mimimal change to the back-end of the Duo. I believe there are back-end processes that rely on Public being present.