Cant find files once FTP'd

I have a mybook live duo 4tb. I set up a user on it and enabled FTP. When I ftp to it, it seems to work great, but cant find the files! I log in to ftp with the right credentials, and it lets me in, so I would assume the files would go in to that users share but they arent.

This is not over the internet, its just over the LAN. When I go to my computer and open up \a.b.c.d\ftpuser, it opens up the share but theres nothing in there.

In the ftp window, if I do an ‘ls’ it lists all the files that I ftp’d in to it! So I know they are there, I just cant find them through windows explorer. It seems like everything is working Im just obviously looking in the wrong place

Any tips?

Thank you!



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