Can't map drive or find itunes on PC

Please help.

I have a network from which I can access my itunes on the mybooklive duo via an old Mac but with the new windows 8 PC I can’t get it working. The drive doesn’t show up as a network location only the media server and I can’t direct itunes to use the existing library that still works from the Mac.

I have tried WD Link and Discovery. WD Link shows the ip address at the top but no folders or drives below.

Discovery only shows my c: drive.

I can connect through Mycloud and I can see the files. I have tried every sharing option, network permission etc I can think of and all the hours of google haven’t helped.

Where do I start ?

The device should be displayed as a network resource. Check your firewall and Workgroup settings, and ensure you are using a Private/Work network with Network Discovery “On” as opposed to a Public network. 

Thanks but all of those seem ok. I can access it from the ip address and from mycloud still but

can’t direct itunes to the folder. It still shows up as a media device but not as a network place so

I can’t map it, even with the WD apps.

What happens when you type \ipaddressofyournas in the Windows Search box?

It says it can’t find it or connect to it. I can see it as a device on the router and the ip address is shown there.

I also tries pugging in a new external hard drive to the pc, not a NAS device and windows doesn’t see it as a device either. It knows it’s connected because I have the option to safely eject it from the taskbar at the bottom of the screen but in explorer it doesn’t show so I can’t use that either.


Maybe you should try contacting WD’s Technical Support about this. You can do so either by phone or email.

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