WD 4T Elements, can I swap 4T with 2T?

I have two WD 2T green drives in my two bay NAS.  If I purchase a 4T Elements external drive can I swap one of the 2T drives in my NAS with the 4T drive in the Elements external drive?   Put the 4T HDD from Elements in my NAS and put the 2T HDD from my NAS into the Elements?

What drive is used in the 4T Elements?  Green?  Black?  ??


I do not know which type drive exactly is inside of the Elements drive for sure, but lets see if another user can share some information on this matter.

Thank you for your response.  I have another question.

I notice this drive doesn’t have a power switch.

What is the typical power consumtion:


Standby (HDD in sleep mode, USB host off)?

Hi there,

I the computer is not turned on the drive should also turn off since the USB port is not giving power at the moment, even if the power adapter is connected to the computer.

Thank you.  I just placed my order for this unit.

Always glad to be of any help. 

Enjoy your drive.