Unable to access my book essential 2TB

Hello there. this is my first post to this forum and i hope to find an answer to an issue i’m having with my book essential external hard drive.

2 weeks ago i accidentally dropped my hard drive from 1 meter high. Fortunatelly the hard drive was still working despite the issue i was having for 2 years (It always took about 15 secs to load my drive everytime i was pluging it to my PC)

The issue i will address now however is that as from yesterday i can’t access my hard drive at all. The light indicator and the loading  sound from my hard drive seems pretty normal.  I still see the hard drive in:

control panel->devices and printers

The warning in WD smartware:

And in disk management it shows my hard drive as either with “not allocated space” or “unknown”

Did i lose my data completely? Is there a solution to access the data at least to back up the most important files?

I’m using Windows 7 64-bit


It may be possible to still extract the data utilizing data recovery software. There are several kinds of Data Recovery software available. If you do a web search for Data Recovery it will yield plenty of data recovery software options.

I already have  data recovery software the problem is that it does not recognize my external hard drive. Should i format the drive first hoping to have access later and then recover the data?


I don’t recommend formatting the drive, If the data recovery software didn’t work then I guess is time to contact a data recovery company.

Data Recovery

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