My Book 3.0TB Write Speeds

It’s my 5th WD product! I have finally unpacked my My Book 3.0TB. I plan to use it mainly as mass backup storage. I’m happy to see others here are using it for Live storage (ie through Smartware) and I might just finally get going on real time backup.

I concerned though by the write speeds I’m seeing on first use. They seem low to me. I’m getting the same write speed of 3  - 5 MB/s (seen in the Windows  Explorer Running Copies dialog) both through the network and attached directly to to a USB port/Cdrive,  I wondering what others report for write swpeeds as well  …


5MB/s is very slow for USB3.0. I recommend you uninstall the USB 3.0 drivers and install them again. Also you can try copying on another computer to see if you get the same writing speed and make sure the drive is connected to a wall outlet.

There was indeed a network bottleneck! I’m up to 6x more on the USB 3.0.

I don’t why the first copy from the CDrive seemd to take forever.