My book world ed. password change- help

heyy stefanieneves,

I would just like to clarify if you’re using a WD My Book Live? if you are, follow this steps:


The Administrator can create users and limit what shares they can access.

  1. Click the Create New User button. The Create New User panel slides down over the User List.

2. Enter all required information (indicated by red asterisk). 

  1. Click the Save button. The new user is listed in the User List, and the Share Access section moves to the right pane


When viewing details about a user, the Administrator can change the user’s password (no password is the default setting).

  1.  Select the user to display user details in the right column.

  2.  Click the Update Password button to display the details about changing the password

  3.  Enter the same password in both Password and Confirm Password; otherwise select the No Password check box.

  4.  Click the Save button.

EDIT: if you find this post helpful, kindly click the star for kudos as a thanks for me!! :smiley: