Disk Unmounts


Same problem as a few people but I havent seen a solution posted yet, 

I have an old Mac (late 2008) which still works fine, I am trying to transfer files onto my new Mac, but the WD drive unmounts after a couple of minutes from the old mac. (it does however work fine with the new mac)

ANy ideas?


Hello and welcome to the WD community.

Do both macs have the same Version of OSX or differebt versions?  

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The older mac is running 10.9.5, where as the newer one is running 10.10.4

And did this start to happen after installing something or since the first time you plugged it in?

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This has been a problem since i first plugged it in, I tried installing the drive utility afterwards and did a status check which it passed, but it wont stay connected long enough to run any other tests.

I updated the software on my old mac to the same as my newer one but it still doesnt seem to stay connected.

My Mac is doing the same thing.  Once I connect My Book, I begin to run a test to try and solve whatever problem it is having and it runs to 10% and immediately unmounts.  This has happened since I first purchased this product and registered it…I ran one backup and thats it…what a rip.  Totally frustrated.