All data gone on My Book Studio II


One question: Was the WD Software installed on your Systems? As I wrote, in my opinion it looks like the Software is to blame. Seems it kicked in and destroyed the Partition Scheme. Sort of incompatibility with 10.9 I guess.

At the moment I am running my WD MyBook Studio II again. It works flawlessly with 10.9 again. But I uninstalled all WD Software from my Mac. Had a few restarts since then and everything is fine.

I “ONLY” lost 2 years of backup…

I opened up a support ticket at WD. I am curious how they will respond. Yesterday I phoned wit Apple Care. I talked to 2lv support. And no one there ever heard of this problem with 10.9. So the ball is with WD I think…

I think it really is a desaster that they did not test their Software. I even checked back with their Support Site before updating to 10.9. They wrote, that everything is compatible…