WD5000AVDS. Is it good to be used as system disc in a Windows Home Server PC?

Hi all,

I bought the WD5000AVDS (it is still sealed), intending to use it as System Disc in a Home Server PC, operating with Microsoft Windows Home Server, as OS. But I found out that Microsoft Corporation warns the users of WHS OS that some HDDs, equiped with Advanced Format Technology (AF), may present some problems, when operating in the WHS environment. The relevant link is: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/2385637/en-us. However, MS Corporation suggests that the user should contact the HDD manufacturer, to obtain information about this issue for a specific model.

Does anyone know if really there are issues related to this?

For your information, I placed the same question to WD Support and they responded fairly quickly to me. Here is their reply:



_We have not documented any incompatibility or issues, between our Advanced Format drives and any particular Operating System. However, WD’s technical support personnel, does not provide support for the Windows Home Server Operating System.


As you can see, WD says that they have not seen any incompatibilities with any OS, but - on the other hand - they do not provide support for WHS Operating System.

Has anyone experienced problems with this HDD model or any other “green” model, utilizing the Advanced Format Technology (AF), in a WHS environment?

Thank you in advance

It’s a violation of our useage guidelines to post one on one emails, without the other person’s consent, so I edited out the personal information. 

However, you got your answer from Microsoft, themselves: 

"You will experience performance degradation when using Advanced Format disk in your Home Server v1 for Server Backup, Storage Pool, or System Disk because the disks are formatted and aligned in a way Windows Home Server is not compatible with. "

"Recommendation Windows Home Server v1: Do not use Advanced Format disks in your Windows Home Server v1."