Caviar Green WD10EARS (Brand New), SATA 4 Hard Disk Error

I have just gotten a Brand New Caviar Green WD10EARS internal HD for my Desktop to replace my broken hd.

I want to install a fresh OS on this drive, unfortunately, my BIOS show the message “SATA 4 Hard Disk Error” “Press F1 to Resume”.

I tried SATA 1 to 5 slots, but it seems that SATA 4 is the only one which is detectable by BIOS, however, with the error message.

When I pressed F1, it just leaded me to a black screen with the word “wait…” at the center.

I have let it opened for about 40 to 50 mins but there was no changes.

Could anyone help me on this?:neutral_face:


Have you try to change the Sata cable? Also what happens if you connect the drive to a different computer? Did you experience the same behavior?

hi, are you sure that your mobo is able to support Sata 3 gb/s?, if you are not sure i would try to use the jumper on jumper settings 5-6 to limit the hdd to sata 1, to see if that works

I have tried it on my bro’s desktop today.

It’s the same :cry:

I thought jumper pin was only used on hd with external casing. Just found a jumper pin and will try later. Thank you all…will come back to tell you how it works.

I tried, and it doesn’t work.

I give up…:frowning:

Sent it to the shop I bought from, hopefully they can settle it a.s.a.p