WD World Edition white light freezes/locks up

Yes, this box is really an untested and unsupported toy. I guess you transfer more than some GB’s per day, this seems to be the borderline for crashes. But you have a good chance to stay up and running after disabling inetd+twonky, my MBWE-II has never frozen again (uptime 48 day now :slight_smile:

Weeeee! 48 days? Going for the record, eh? :smileyvery-happy:

If there is a workable solution, can someone please summarize what it is.

My WDWE2 worked fine since I bought it 4 months ago. Last week I noticed transfer speeds as low as 3 MB/sec so I decided to upgrade the formware using the update option in the menus. Not sure what version I was at before. The update and reboot did not change anything with respect to transfer througput so I explored the menus further and came accross twonky which somehow got enabled but was not enabled before. That very same night my data transfers started to crash the disk.

Having read this threat I will try disabling twonky but not sure how. Also if that does not work, is there a way to know what firmware I was at before the upgrade and to roll back to it?

khelma, forget the firmware, it’s not that.

to disable twonky you need to stop it from command line through ssh or move the start up file. you could fined more details in the posts here.

my update:

the MBWE with only twonky left is still freezing even with the buffer size reduced, the other one with twonky disabled is still working good. the problem is that i need twonky.


What is the command to perm disable twonky on startup?

At the moment i’m using /etc/init.d/S97twonkyserver stop which is only temporarily.

Uptime update: 2 days, 7:41

@rodent_tx  Have a look at this thread


Good luck M

Thanx 10E6, M

Moved twonky startup script, rebooted, no twonky :slight_smile:

Now let’s see if I can get some usefull uptime. It ran stable last 3 days prior to reboot, so it’s a start.

hi all,

if you haven’t yet tried what Lars suggests here on the 3rd post down regarding the “niceness” setting of the smbd service, I’d definitey suggest it, as it has really helped with our mybook.



Hi Doug,

Thanks for the tip, I guess this last tweak can’t hurt. I followed its advice and de-prioritized smdb process, rebooted, all seems fine.

After previous stripping down of unnecessary and apparently destabilizing features device was running fine for 5 days. I put it under some stress (unraring compressed DVD images over network on MBWE) which generated a lot of LAN traffic and read/write operations on disk. So far so good, but i guess we’re not out of the woods yet :wink:

I’ve done it on mybook with twonky enabled. I really hope this is the final fix.

we’ll see.

Freezed again.

and just listening some mp3, then left it alone for a day, as usual.

i’m still waiting for The Cure…

  • removed memeo script

  • removed inetd script

  • remove “nice” samba option

  • reduced twonky buffer size

hey arzach, im trying the “nice” command too and only have mionet disabled. i definately need twonky also so its not an option to disable nor modify its buffer setting. everything else is back to normal as it still froze with all the changes you listed. its going well during my 64GB transfer right now!! hope im not jinxing it. lol.

030811 update: the 64GB upload was a success!! i think we may be on to something here. here is a snapshot of what i did.

  1. followed LarsMaschke post to remove “nice -n -20” so that it just says " /usr/sbin/smbd -D"  in /etc/init.d/S90smbd.

 link: http://community.wdc.com/t5/My-Book-World-Edition/Large-File-Problem-eg-Backup-Jobs/m-p/148222#M4093

  1. followed Vlado post to disable everything mionet (I didnt do mv /etc/init.d/S97twonkyserver /root which deals w/ twonky) and i also edited /usr/mionet/monitorCVM.sh to make Mionet obey startup flag.

link: http://community.wdc.com/t5/My-Book-World-Edition/Drive-Becomes-Un-Accessible-After-short-use-II/td-p/38659/highlight/true

  1. reboot through putty and/or web interface.

i had undone everything else i’d tried on the forums here so truly mionet is the only thing disabled.

Thank you for information i need to try your solution because my WD WEII freeze all day :expressionless:

as said in the other thread, mine is still freezing, even after the “nice” option is removed from twonky.


(I’m sorry for the double post, at the moment there are two active threads about this problem)

Quick update: 8 days without an error. Up time is less due to a power outage (works on the local transformer station), but no freeze-outs of the device itself.

Looks like I won’t have to beat Chuck Norris with my MBWE after all :wink:

Thank you for every one who tried to help in thei thread.

In the end, the problem is  still the same: running twonky means to freezed the hd soon or later

Now I’m giving up becouse i’m really fed up with this product.

I will forget twonky and i will use my disks only for lan backup.

and I will never ever buy a WD products again.

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thats good to hear Rodent_Tx!! I also have had success with the changes i made and have been running for at least 28 days except for being through a couple power outages(they only lasted for a minute…weird). Im FINALLY able to use this NAS as a regular NAS!!!

Sorry to hear your situation arzach. i had given up for months and was a powercycling fool but came back a month ago and finally feel my solution has arrived!!

Please also check out topic “Large File Problem eg. Backup-Jobs” originated by LarsMaschke:


This has a similar, but less intrusive solution, and it works!

UPDATE - one month later.

The above solution really did it… Went from crashing every few hours to 1 month UNINTERRRUPTED uptime.

i’m thinking like you Arzach

always freezing…

and this morning crash of hard drive, all is in error…  :expressionless:

Mine has now been running for 2 months no problems. Twonky is disabled so I cannot connect my xbox or ps3 to it but I can live with that. M