WD 900 Central - internal HDD replacement


Can you tell me how to replace internal 1T disk with a new 2T ???

I don’t know if it’s possible, but I’m trying to replace my old disk, with another bigger one. But it doesn’t detect. If I conect it to USB everything works fine.

Any advice ???

Welcome to the Community.

This procedure is not supported by WD but I remember a few posts from last year detailing the process. I would recommend performing a board search for key terms.


Sorry, but I’ve searched forum before posting new message. I can’t find any related posts.


Now i will show some more information.

Disk is visible in WD900 linux system.

df command shows me, that it is mounted this way:

/dev/sda6 mounted in /var/tmp/storage/Public

And it is realy mounted there. Ready and runing.

Can someone tell me, where your native wd900 disk is mounted ???

You must login to telnet

To activate telnet you must open page:


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Then enable telnet.

Next login by telnet

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My Net N900 Alphanetworks wrgnd15_wd_pro
My Net N900 Central 1TB Alphanetworks wrgnd14_wd_storage
My Net N900 Central 2TB Alphanetworks wrgnd14_wd_storage

and use a df command.

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This is funny.

I don’t see it in main router page. But now I can acces it via networ :slight_smile:

Now I must find way to disable dlna, becouse it makes router unstable.