Version Tool to scrape TV Show Information for the WDTV Live Hub [9/17/2012]

It looks like the DVD/Air feature works.  Thanks…  Selecting Season Art works fine too (unless you click too many times and there are more than 11 season art covers.). 

JD & Coke is known to work magic.

Hi Tony this is season 2 episode 1 of breaking bad done just now, i unclicked hidden folder and thats sorted out the backdrops like you said but actors are N/A

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>  
<!-- XML Generated by The XML Fetcher Version Version -->  
<!-- Series ID 81189 -->  
<title>01- Seven Thirty-Seven</title>  
<series\_name>Breaking Bad</series\_name>  
<episode\_name>Seven Thirty-Seven</episode\_name>  
<plot>"Seven Thirty-Seven"- Walt and Jesse try to figure a way out of their partnership with Tuco. Hank tries to mend the fences between Marie and Skyler.</plot>  
<overview>"Seven Thirty-Seven"- Walt and Jesse try to figure a way out of their partnership with Tuco. Hank tries to mend the fences between Marie and Skyler.</overview>  
<director>Bryan Cranston</director>  
<actor>Steven Michael Quezada / Raymond Cruz</actor>  

would post a screen of SMP but dont know how to do that and dont currently have a mobile or camera.

Weird weird…

I tried on another computer and it works.

Your software is a great help anyway, thanks for it and your reply!

Make sure your .NET runtime is up-to-date.

Hey thanks for such a nice steps but still even after following them i am not able to get the expected output…in fact when i was searching about the same on internet i came across this thread but still couldnt find any solution that could help me…!

anyways please let me know what could be the problem…any more suggestion lefT?

XXX-KP wrote:

Hey thanks for such a nice steps but still even after following them i am not able to get the expected output…in fact when i was searching about the same on internet i came across this thread but still couldnt find any solution that could help me…!


anyways please let me know what could be the problem…any more suggestion lefT?

    • *What’s the problem you are having?

Tony, I do not know if this is possible. Your program shows episode thumbnails as well as the season art for each episode.  Presently,I use the “Season art instead of episode art” option. Can we use the episode thumbnails as backdrops for each episode? What is the resolution of the files? I store all jpg files local on my system.



 my bad… I see the option in the program but it is greyed out and not selectable. Why is that?

I do not use the hub drive. All my files are stores on a 12TB NAS (9TB usable RAID5) so storage space is not an issue.

Outsider:  That option is unavailable if you’re saving the backdrops locally.

awww nutz…

so now I gotta:

 1. turn off save local jpg files

 2. deselect exclude episode thumbnail

 3. select use season art as cover

 4. create .xml file

 5. go into file and find url for thumnail

 6. save all thumnails local

 7. modify .xml file to point to local files

bit of a pain but it works

I’m not sure this is an issue with the tool. Occasionally I have a problem where the episodes in a particular folder show up with no title. There is a thumbnail picture and description (the length appears too, i.e. “60 Minutes” for an hour long show). Doubly frustrating is that the thumbnails are not necessarily in sequential order. This problem extends to the File view method too. No files show up there. When I remove the xmls and jpgs from the folder, the filenames appear. Again, this is not a problem with all folders, and sometimes it is a certain season (sub folder) within a series where the other seasons appear fine. Likely it is user error but any help would be appreciated.

NO title?  The only reason I could think of for that is if the Title Format box is empty when you create the XML.

… and the TITLE will also affect how things are sorted, so if the title format isn’t consistently sortable throughout the folder, weird sorting can result…

You’re right. I left the title input box blank. Checked the xml… should have done that first… title was blank. Problem solved, user error as expected. To idiotproof, perhaps there should be a default value? Or at least a warning?

I think you’re right.   I’ll add that now.

I have a few other things to tweak, and it’s vacation time, so I’ll code for a little while.  :)

I feel like a blind fool, but I cannot for the life of me find the series ID on the website.  Is it possible they altered the site?

Series Name Genre Status Language Network Rating Fanart

Those are the columns I see when the site returns search results, and even when viewing a specific series selection.  Am I in the wrong area/utility?

I don’t know.   Which website are you using?  :)

This is what I see when searching, for example, “Bones”

I’ve found I get different results depending on which search you use.  In the above page, if you click on the searchin the heading after home and then enter your tv show, it doesn’t give you the number.  If you just enter the name in the search on the right side of the heading, it gives you the number.  You can always select the show and look in the url of the page, it gives you the series number.  For Bones:


Type the name of the show in the search box. A list of Tv shows will dropped down. Pick the one you want and press enter. The site will default the your language and bring up the proper page. Work for me all the time.

ah-ha!  I was clicking on the search link in the navigation bar, and proceeding from there - no ID.  But it works just fine from the search box on the home page, thanks for the tip.

Query, Tony…

Not asking you to change anything just because I do things in an oddball way… but I don’t use XBMC-compliant names when I rip my discs… instead I have:

Directory of R:\CSI NY\Season 1

 Episode 00 - MIA-NYC Non-Stop.mkv
 Episode 01 - Blink.mkv
 Episode 02 - Creatures Of The Night.mkv
 Episode 03 - American Dreamers.mkv
 Episode 04 - Grand Master.mkv
 Episode 05 - A Man A Mile.mkv
 Episode 06 - Outside Man.mkv
 Episode 07 - Rain.mkv
 Episode 08 - Three Generations Are Enough.mkv
 Episode 09 - Officer Blue.mkv
 Episode 10 - Night, Mother.mkv
 Episode 11 - Tri-Borough.mkv
 Episode 12 - Recycling.mkv
 Episode 13 - Tanglewood.mkv
 Episode 14 - Blood, Sweat And Tears.mkv
 Episode 15 - 'Til Death Do We Part.mkv
 Episode 16 - Hush.mkv
 Episode 17 - The Fall.mkv
 Episode 18 - The Dove Commission.mkv
 Episode 19 - Crimes And Misdemeanors.mkv
 Episode 20 - Supply And Demand.mkv
 Episode 21 - On The Job.mkv
 Episode 22 - The Closer.mkv
 Episode 23 - What You See Is What You See.mkv
 Extras - Set Tour.mkv
 Extras - The Cast Examines The Characters.mkv
 Extras - The Science Behind The Scenes.mkv
 Extras - The World’s Largest Crime Scene.mkv
 Extras - The Zoo Year.mkv

Is there any easy work-around, short of renaming everything, for me to use your tool, or am I basically left with manual .xml editing?

Nope…   You ought to get good results using the File Naming Template

Episode ^E- ^t