Unable to access my book live shares java problem

As mentioned in my earlier post, I have now decided to send my MBL back to Amazon for a full refund as it wasn’t able to perform as advertised due to this problem with the Java plug-in that WD directed me to load onto my Macintosh. To their credit, WD support did contact me personally afterwards and asked about my system configuration, which I gave them together with screen shots of the certificate warnings. 

I suggested to them, and I will suggest to you here, that you may be able to temporarily work around the problem by trashing the latest Java and looking around for an earlier version which doesn’t seem to present this incompatibility. Fortunately Oracle upload Java in the old fashioned way by placing a compressed file in your ‘Downloads’ folder, leaving you to decompress it and load it from the virtual hard drive. When loaded the virtual hard drive disappears, but many people forget to throw away the compressed file, so there should be some around. The current compressed file is named “jre-7u45-macosx-x64.dmg” so something with “…7u XX…” less than 45 should be out there somewhere.

I will continue to lurk on the WD Community forum and see when this and the OS X Mavericks problems are sorted out. When they are I may well buy a WD router linked drive again. But this time it would definitely be the current WD MyCloud, I have learnt my lesson of trying to save a few quid by buying an end-of-line drive, when it is so heavily reliant upon firmware upgrades.

Good Luck


I solved the problem.


Go to start - configure java

in the security tab add the folowing data to the exception site list.

Change XXXXXX for your device id.



Regards from Portugal.


Hi there,

A similar fix worked for WD MyCloud on 1 out of 5 different computers (PC, MAC, Linux) all running the latest Oracle Java.

This problem ruins the idea of universal access to a cloud service and will be a major point forcing customers to return their WD devices for refunds.

Java has to go! Otherwise the customers will.

And what other cross browser, cross platform system are you proposing marknquinn?

I so agree! I had an iOmega drive for the same purpose and ditched it for a MyBook Live because the one at work was working so well. But Java has ALWAYS been glitchy with it, and I can’t even figure out why Java is needed here. Just give me plain blue links, I don’t need glossy buttons. It’s so frustrating, I can find my drive, I can enter my password (twice for some reason), and ALMOST get there, and then. . .plain white rectangle. No folders to click. At least I’ve banished the error messages, but **bleep**, what is so complicated? Enormously frustrating.

For me, all this succeeds in doing is banishing the error messages. I still only get as far as a white rectangle. The puzzle piece sometimes shows up, but if I click it, I just get a rectangle. I don’t get the Java logo with the blue circle. And I can’t access my drive. This is going to drive me crazy.

Installing WD My Cloud program on my work computer lets me into my home files, so I’m done with trying to fix this problem. It’s a work-around I can live with.

JamieInLV wrote:

I can’t even figure out why Java is needed here. Just give me plain blue links.

“Plain blue links” don’t exist.

The Java system is what’s calling MS Windows WebDAV redirector to open a WebDAV share connection to the drive and handle the authentication.

In theory, it can all be done manually, but I don’t know how the authentication works in a manual setup…

where is my device ID please?

I’m having the same issues while trying to use a range of different browers i.e. Safari, Firefox & Chrome. Could someone from WD please come back with a fix for this as it is highly frustrating not being able to access files while out and about.

I have received the following error


This Java problem is really annoying, Please WD do something !! We can’t remote access our files !!

The only solution I found is to install an older version of Java which is definitely a temporary solution and is not acceptable.

I feel like I’m in a loop of never being able to get my files.  MAC USER.  


1. Chrome doesn’t work with Java 7.

Screen Shot 2014-02-19 at 11.38.18 AM.png

2. Safari requires Java 7. (Revert back to Java 6 and then Java doesn’t work on Safari.)

3. Revert back to Java 6 for Chrome and WD2Go STILL doesn’t work.

Screen Shot 2014-02-19 at 12.09.05 PM.png

4. Reinstall Java 7 for MAC OS and WD2Go STILL doesn’t work.

5. FROM JAVA https://www.java.com/en/download/help/java_blocked.xml


Starting with Java 7 Update 51, Java has enhanced security model to make user system less vulnerable to the external exploits. The new version of Java does not allow users to run the applications that are not signed (Unsigned), Self signed (not signed by trusted authority) and the applications that are missing permission attributes.

Risks involved in running each kind of applications:

  • Unsigned applications :
    An application without a certificate (i.e. unsigned apps), or missing application Name and Publisher information are  blocked by default. Running this kind of application is potentially unsafe and present higher level of risk. 
  • Self signed application (Certificate not from trusted authority):
    An application with self-signed certificate is blocked by default. Applications of this type present the highest level of risk because publisher is not identified and the application may be granted access to personal data on your computer.
  • Jar file missing Permission Attribute :
    Permissions Attribute verifies that the application requests the permission level that developer specified. If this attribute is not present, it might be possible for an attacker to exploit a user by re-deploying an application that is signed with original certificate and running the application at a different privilege level.


The application that you are running is blocked because the developer has not met with the security guidelines implemented in Java 7 Update51.
It is in your best interest to contact developer or publisher of this application and let them know about the application being blocked. Also provide developers with these links that gives details about implementing secure practices in the code for the application.


It is highly recommended not to run these kind of applications, however if you still want to run, run only if you understand risk and implications involved.
As a workaround, the user can use Exception Site list feature to run the applications blocked by security settings. By adding the URL of the blocked application to the Exception Site list allows it to run with some warnings.

Steps to Add URL to the Exception Site list:

  • Go to the  Java Control Panel  (On Windows Click Start and then Configure Java)
  • Click on the  Security  tab
  • Click on the  Edit Site List  button
  • Click the  Add  in the Exception Site List window 
    Add url to Exception Site list
  • Click in the empty field under Location field to enter the URL
    Example : http://www.example.com
    (  URL should begin with http:// or https:// )

If the URL where the applet is hosted is different than the URL for the page on which the applet is called you need to add both the URL for the applet.  
Example : For Yahoo games Checkers (This is just an example the host url can be different for depending on which host is serving the game), enter: 

1. [http://www.games.yahoo.com](http://www.games.yahoo.com) and (This is the url for Yahoo games domain)
2. [http://yog36.games.sp2.yahoo.com](http://yog36.games.sp2.yahoo.com) (This is the url where game is the hosted and is shown in the dialog box for blocked application)
  • Click OK to save the URL that you entered.
  • Click Continue on the Security Warning dialog

Where is the Java Control Panel on my Mac?

This article applies to:

  • Platform(s): Macintosh OS X
  • Java version(s): 7.0

The information on this page pertains to Java versions starting with Oracle Java 7, supported with Mac OS X 10.7.3 and above.

Java 7 Control Panel on Mac

The Control Panel allows you to find information about Java version and configure various settings to help you efficiently run Java on your Mac.

To launch the Java Control Panel on Mac OS X (10.7.3 and above):

  • Click on Apple icon on upper left of screen.
  • Go to  System Preferences
  • Click on the Java icon to access the Java Control Panel.


Screen Shot 2014-02-19 at 12.31.29 PM.png



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Thanks for escalating this. Not only is the Java issue frustrating beyond measure, WD’s claims about the drive’s use as a Time Machine destination are problmatic at best.

Did anyone get a solution? Have WD responded?? 

WD - can you help us out please?:smiley:


Guys, this is a forum, even though some of their employees come here once in a while, it is not an official WD support site.

Forums are end user to end user help venues.

Contact their offical support line/site and open a ticket.

True ! So I contacted the support by mail and get an answer really quickly. According to this answer I think I will keep my Java up to date with original settings and will only use their software “WD My Cloud Desktop utility”.

See the answer below:

"Thank you for contacting Western Digital Customer Service and Support.

We apologize for this inconvenience. According to this behavior, the issue is related to the security settings integrated on the Java update. We would recommend testing a different browser or running a previous version of Java. Also, lowering the security settings of Java to Medium will allow the shares to be accessible on all browsers.


However, our best recommendation is downloading the WD My Cloud Desktop utility. This application does not require Java and has no restriction on file transfer size for a better performance. You can download it at:




If needed, you can also add the URLs to the exception site list on the security settings of Java update 51. Please find below a link with the information on how to complete the process. For additional details or instructions, we strongly recommend contacting Oracle: 



If you have any further questions, please reply to this email and we will be happy to assist you further."

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Thanks, chiquebou–both recommendations were spot on!  And until I read your post, I did not know they made (finally, it just makes too much sense) the desktop utility.  I was getting tired of being channeled to web access for a drive that is three feet from my computer.


Hi there,

I having the same problem and keep trying things to solved it.
Finally this worked for me.

Go to system preferences - java

In the security tab I added the following link to the exception site list.


Instead of https:// I have tried http:// without the s.

Change XXXXXX for your device id.

Then I got another pop-up and then I clicked run.

And it works now.

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Open port 445, 137-139 on your router and on a remote computer map the network drive as //YOUR IP/YOUR SHARE NAME or open port 21 and do FTP.

“Open port 445, 137-139 on your router and on a remote computer map the network drive as //YOUR IP/YOUR SHARE NAME or open port 21 and do FTP.”

Those are options as well, however, I strongly do NOT recommend them.Unless you do not care about your data and/or security

Why? Those are NON secure protocols. Very easy to hack.

There is a solution already, but you have to use the new software/version, “WD My Cloud Desktop utility”

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