Theme: GoodBye Black Mamba (LinkSheet) Updated Dec 14th

ok so I think I am just not smart enough for this… :cry: 

So on your second example how are you resizing the picture? I guess I just don’t understand how you are changing it to the appropriate size and making sure the resolution is still there… 

For my action folder I am tyring to use the following picture and crop it so its mostly just his head, when I try and import it into gimp it comes in way to big and I can’t figure out how to resize it down to fit the folder thuumbnail size, maybe my picture is just way too big… 

I did a short video for you (3mb) … hope this kinda helps

so, doing that procedure in the video with your image … this is the result


it’s not an exact science, you’ve just got to keep resizing the layer and moving it around until you’re happy with the result

PS. here’s another video (used my smartphone) … you’ll see i made an error when moving the layer eg. i clicked on it once … and then i moved the wrong layer (had to select ‘undo’) … you need to “double click” then “ok” to move the layer.

Sorry for the speed (i can’t go any slower … clicks’of’fury) :smileyvery-happy:


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That is exactly what I was trying to accomplish with the picture… :slight_smile:

I will look at your 2nd video when I get home today, I watched the first one last night and I think I need to download GIMP on a PC instead of my Mac… I think that might be where I’m having trouble, I didn’t seem to have all the same tools that you had on your video to edit the images…

I will keep at it, I will get it figured out eventually… ;)… Of course I couldn’t have got anywhere without all your help, thanks so much…


Thanks, can the WD TV Hub use that theme? I dont know of a way to hade the thumbnail previews at the bottom.

I was able to finally get it figured out… thanks so much the video really helped…


no probs :smiley:

It does **bleep** that you can’t edit the text though, what would be a workaround for this? Could I delete the text box and create my own text box? 

yeah, absolutely, you can do that :smiley: 

but, the only hitch is … i don’t know what font is used ?

doh :dizzy_face:, found them  :smiley:… i extracted the “bundle” with 7-zip and they were in there … (in the moviesheets ‘common’ folder)



Just to save you some time … i made a Gimp Project File for you :smiley:

So the steps are…

  1. Install the Fonts 1st … (above) copy and paste them into your Windows “Fonts” folder

  2. Download and extract the Gimp Project File

  3. Double click the GenreGIMP.xcf (it should be associated to GIMP and open)

4) Double click the “Text” Layer (on the right) and start typing (on the left) … that’s it :smiley:


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Thank you!!! You are so nice to give me the Gimp project file… and thanks for the step by step instruction… I was able to create the folders for each genres… Thanks again for all your help… I appreciate it… 

Action.png Adventure.png Animation.png Christmas.png Drama.png Family.png Romance.png

Miley Cyrus picture in “Romance” Genre ?  you’re kidding, right  :wink: 

(p.s. Lindsay Lohan picture in “Family” Genre belongs in “Drunk Drivers” Genre)  :smileyvery-happy:

LOL   :smileyvery-happy:… well my girls love the movie “the last song” so thats why I used Miley Cirus, and my youngest loves the movie “the parent trap”, but yes Lyndsey Lohan is not that young innocent kid anymore… :wink:

Hey guys I’ve been wondering for a while now, but is there anyway to use the Black mamba theme on other non WD media players?

I would like to use it on the Amazon Fire TV, XBMC, or if WD has something a little bit more responsive than the WD TV Live hub, I would wanna try that .

Thanks to anyone that can help!!!


XBMC (Kodi) XML skins use completely different code (i used to tinker with XBMC Skins years ago … so i know)

P.S. have you taken the “Ideas for a New WDTV” survey ?

Okay, thank you for the survey link. I finished it yesterday.

Are the other WD TV products that are compatible with this theme more responsive than the Live Hub?

Disable some unused view modes?

Hello Community,

is it possible to disable some view modes for faster switch between used views wih yellow button?

I try to explain better:

I can switch now with yellow button to:

I only use:

I want to look into movie sheet for some info, i am in list mode.
Now I have to push yellow button often until i reach movie sheet.
Then after i read movie infos i want to switch into list mode (faster searching for movietitle).
So have to push yellow button again many times again until in list view.
After this many pushes for infos in movie sheet.
This prcedure i have to do for every movie i want to see more info.

Is it poosible to disable the unused views for faster switch between movie and list mode with yellow button?
If somebody could give me some tips, this will switch my face to a big smile.

Thanks a lot for some support.

No, it is not possible to disable views

This are bad news, i hoped i can change, disable or remove the unused views in any way.

If somebody has a idea for a work around, it will be nice.

Thank you for your fast answer and reply

there is no way “around it” … it’s a design built in functionality of the device … no hacking and cracking will disable view selection

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Are there other WD TV products that are compatible with this theme and more responsive than the Live Hub?

I’m really interested in using this theme with XBMC/Kodi. Is there anyway to make the moviesheets generated from this theme work on other hardware?