New Firmware

are they just embarrassed that users can make better themes than they can? 

drizzt09… thanks for that, that gave me a good chuckle. and fully agree.

i was speaking to a sales guy today from my local store. said i was going to be in tomorrow to have a look at something different., i briefly went over this topic. and the reasons why i was moving away from WD. he mentioned they were selling  the boxee box almost 5 to1 WD., (not to my taste tho).  He did also mention that they are only allowed to stock 5 media players on the shelf, looking at stocks sheets that it was unlikely that WD was going to be one of them in the future. Also a local food chain, which also sells electrical goods. did sell the WD gen 2 and live, but said they would not stock any further models from WD as they were not a fast selling item. but would be stocking sony, and asus. now this actually surprised me. Think its about time for WD to change there shorts replys from " we are looking into it" to " we will fix it "

I mean what company would release a firmware then release this statement  "  Please hold off on going to the “What’s in this Update?” on the Live Hub.  It may cause issues with your device.  We are presently looking into it. "

Thats a joke, just shows how much effort went into the release and testing of this firmware.

another FW release another total disappointment…keep up the good work WD  :P

Seriously, if they had not encrypted the hub " internal files "…

there would be a lot of custom firmwares that would take the hub to another level!