MOJO theme - Gallery View background

so Joey,

which do you perfer, LINKSHEETS or moviesheets

I have over 2000 movies and close to 1000 tv episodes

I think logisticly moviesheets work the best for me. linksheets are cool, but take up too much space.

is there a way to make the backdrop load FASTER?

neither  … I’m too lazy :wink: 

Moviesheets have a delay of a couple of seconds before displaying… there is no way to speed this up

Linksheets have no delay

Anybody able to help?

try here

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<image image=“@@preview_rect_image” default_image=“@@default_preview_rect_image” x=“0” y=“0” w=“1280” h=“720” textcolor=“@@preview_rect_color” keycolor=“1” ignore_keycolor=“1” bg=“1”/>

<image image=“@@browse_text” x=“0” y=“0” w="1280"h=“720” scale=“100” bg=“1”/>






NOTE: whatever this image is …

It will get overlayed on top of the Linksheet. If you do not want this to happen, move the linksheet code to the next line…


h=“720” textcolor=“@@preview_rect_color” keycolor=“1” ignore_keycolor=“1” bg=“1”/>

<image image=“@@browse_text” x=“0” y=“0” w="1280"h=“720” scale=“100” bg=“1”/>

P.S.  any xml with this at the beginning and end of an xml tag … <!--      –>  means it’s a “comment” or remed out
so for example…

<!–image image=“image/Gallery/frame.png” x=“264” y=“346” w=“991” h=“168” bg=“1”/–>

does nothing … it won’t display


so the above code can be trimmed down and do the same thing…

<?xml version="1.0"?>

<image image=“@@browse_text” x=“0” y=“0” w="1280"h=“720” scale=“100” bg=“1”/>

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Thanks will try tomorrow…School night kids in bed! :smiley:

Here is what I’m looking for and asking if it can be done…

I have my TV Seasons thru Network Shares via DVD ISOs…Example MASH…

MASH Folder–> All 11 Seasons–> Season 1–> 3 DVD ISOs.etc etc…

When you hit the MASH Folder it shows folders for the 11 seasons at this point can I get it to display a background/sheet?