I am pulling BLACK MAMBA

DeVicious, first things first I want to thank you for all your hard work, the theme looks amazing!

I was just wondering whether it would be possible to request an additional genre thumbnail? Looking for a thumbnail to go with my “crime” folder.

Thanks again.

sorry i’m again in trouble :frowning:

i follow the pdf guide for thumbgen profiles but when i process tv show the show thumbnail was not created.

thumbgen create only season thumbnail.

@JoeySmyth I’ve unzipped the folder and edited as u said. Then zipped it and tried to upload it in the WD browser but it says ‘Invalid file, Please correct file.’. Any ideas? Thx.


    When you (re-)zipped the files, did you selec the folder containing the files (wrong) or did you select the top level files & folders directly (correct)?

For example if you unzipped the theme to mamaba_1_5 as follows:-

    → mamba_1_5






Then when you recreate the ZIP for uploading, DO NOT select mamba_1_5. You MUST select ALL the files and folders within i.e. image, screenshot, album_playback.xml etc

It’s just one of those idiosyncrasies


    In otherwords you have not exactly followed the user guide. :smiley:.

To generate the Episdode Thumbnail,

  1. Extra Sheet must be set to ‘TV3 Thumb - Black Mamba by DeVicious…’ (or equivalent).

  2. Extra Moviesheet must be enabled in ‘Options | General | generate’

  3. In ‘Options | input/Output naming’ Extra Moviesheet should be set to $M$N, to create a file of .JPG and a Custom format.

 It is imperative that you follow the Theme configuration instructions exactly as described - that goes for any theme not just Black mamba.


after editing a xml, you then re-zip the theme at ‘root level’ and use No compression. (fyi… “store” in Winrar = No Compression)

i could easily edit the xml in the theme and upload it for you… but it’s not my theme.

Maybe try asking DeVicious if she plans on uploading a fix ?

JoeySmyth wrote:

i could easily edit the xml in the theme and upload it for you… but it’s not my theme.


Maybe try asking DeVicious if she plans on uploading a fix ?

Joey feel free to help fellow board members, when it helps it is good and i am never against good :smiley:

I will update the theme shortly with several bug fixes and improvements, I am currently under massive back pain, got several morphine shots (nice trip btw :laughing:) until then the current theme is whatcha get.

I have provided a functional download link for the Hub and SMP when people want to make changes they are on their own.

I have also provided a link to the SMP thread that explains all these basics. In the manual i clearly state that I don’t have the right answers for SMP users. All the fellow board members have to do is to click the link that leads to the SMP forum and the answer is right there.

I have spent a massive amount of time to make a proper manual and if one follows it step by step it leads one straight to the goal. There is no margin of error when it comes to Thumbgen Setups or applying the theme but for some reasons I find myself answering basics for the 50th time and if I don’t answer within 2 hours I get bombarded with private messages. Everything has been explained multiple times and is written in the manual, we most certainly have reached the point where basic answers can easily be found by using the search function and/or the manual.

I am happy to give further advice for advanced stuff and work with the good people here on new ideas to make the theme better and try out new things but if questions are answered within a range of 5 pages already I will ignore them from now on.

panda78 wrote:

sorry i’m again in trouble :frowning:


i follow the pdf guide for thumbgen profiles but when i process tv show the show thumbnail was not created.

thumbgen create only season thumbnail.



You did not follow the guide to the part that explains the Series Thumbnails :slight_smile:

Read Page 18 it’s exclusively for creating the series thumbnail, take a special look on the naming of the thumbnail on the bottom of the page.

I have a number of straight DVD Rips on my NAS with the TS folder / VOBs etc

Is there a way to use thumbgen to create movie sheets for these ?

Your best bet would be to convert your movies to ISO, you’ll be able to view your movies in the same way but have a single file and you’ll be able to view the metadata and backdrops for each.

Metadata & backdrops don’t display for folders.

@JoeySmyth It would be great if u can upload a fixed version for me. Everything seems perfect bar that little niggly thing. :slight_smile: thx in advance!

bertieburt wrote:

I have a number of straight DVD Rips on my NAS with the TS folder / VOBs etc

Is there a way to use thumbgen to create movie sheets for these ?

yeah what Tinwarble said, the seets don’t display for folders, I would turn them into Iso or convert them into a lossless mp4 or mkv, safes HD space and fits into the movie sheet system.

@JoeySmyth. It’s ok now, I’ve done it. All is perfect now. Thx to all!!! :]

Is there a way to include the MPAA ratings in the moviesheets? What would need to be added to .xml?

You would need to edit the template.xml file for the moviehseet(s) that you want the MPAA setting to appear. If you don’t fancy tackling raw XML then you could investigate a GUI tool like Thumbgen Designer or Tvixie.

I haven’t tried Tvixie for myself (JoeySmyth recxommends it), but in Thumbgen Designer, what you can do is open two templates and copy elements from one to the other. The Mojo theme by Tinwarble contains the MPAA rating.

In Mojo, the MPAA element is represented as :-

<ImageElement Name=“ImageElement” X=“261” Y=“376” Width=“266” Height=“50” Source=“File” Offset=“0” MultiPageIndex=“-1” SourceData=“%PATH%\Common\certifications\us_certifications%CERTIFICATION%.png” NullImageUrl=“” PreserveMetaData=“True” TGD_IsLocked=“False” TGD_IsVisible=“True” />

Obviously if you copied that verbatim, it would likely end up in the wrong place, so you need to adjust X and Y .

Don’t forget that if you do change the theme for your own purposes, if DeVicious issues any updates, then your customisations will be lost unless you reapply your edits.

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Good deal…thanks for the info! IHopefully I will have time to mess around with it tonight.

Oh yeah, another thing for the next update is when there is a movie etc. that hasn’t been scraped for info, u can hv a movie reel or smth there like other themes. Instead, with the Black Mamba, there’s just blank spaces around the place. :slight_smile:

Ramsbo wrote:
Oh yeah, another thing for the next update is when there is a movie etc. that hasn’t been scraped for info, u can hv a movie reel or smth there like other themes. Instead, with the Black Mamba, there’s just blank spaces around the place. :slight_smile:

there is supposed to be a bluray disc the only thing that appears blank is the source selection because WD doesn’t allow us to use a cover.

So is there suppose to be smth there besides the blank I’m getting? Cuz the blanks I’m having at the moment were movie reel icons in default and other themes.

The blanks are exclusive for folders without any images or movies without any generated movie sheets, thumbnails or folder.jpg if you have that and don’t intend to change it the theme is unsuitable for you, the theme is created for
Movie sheets. I will not include this in any of my updates, sorry.