Gallery Moviesheet/Thumbnail Trick

does anyone know if the version on the first page will be available? i like it best with the colours behind it, very nice!

Download link is on Page 3

(there are two backdrops in the download, choose whichever you like)   :slight_smile:

Hi,  Great looking work - but how do you get the different views (pg 6).  And which download is this because Ive got a purple background not a black.  Thanks

I posted those yesterday
 no download link for those

but the weekend is nearly here, so i will try to upload  something for people to check out   :slight_smile:

p.s. already changed a couple of things since the last post and screenshots.


Hey Joey, any chance of some screenshots, until your upload your revised theme?

Sure, :slight_smile:

been doing 'stuff ’ on and off  for most of the day (Saturday) 
 to have something to upload on Sunday.

If all goes according to plan
 there willl be a ‘demo upload’ on (late Sunday) 

it’s nearing Midnight here, check back in 16-20  hours or so  :slight_smile:

thanks for keepin us posted Joey!!

Here is a Demo of the Experimental Beta Theme ive been tinkering around with.

Worked on all 3 at the same time for a little ‘Variety’  (Each One is Slighty Different)

They are all a ‘Work In Progess’ lots of little things need doing/fixing etc etc.  
(not happy with a lot of things actually, Preview View was quickly done.)



The Idea was to create a way to have all views with the “ONE” moviesheet.
This, i achieved with all of the Views  
 but ‘List View’ is a special case.

In creating a solution, ive created another problem
   List View is ONLY compatible with the Moviesheet.
This means ‘Standard’ Image dimensions will be totally messed up.

The Reason ? 
 Well, to achieve the Gallery MovieSheet to be used in List View required the image to be

Drawn ‘Twice’
 Once for the ‘Top’ half and again for the “Bottom”. And to make things more complicated, the ‘Top’ half is not the

same Horizontal Resolution
 so i ‘Scaled It’ to match the Bottom Width Dimension.

I did create a Template for Music Covers (or any picture wih Equal Width & Hieght) that can be used in this List View
(Which took a heck of a lot of working out
 lots of scale/aspect/x/y/w/h/crop etc etc)

In Conclusion, the List Mod Works
 but i totally understand it’s most probably not very practical
 but hey, i tried.
Only other solution is to ditch the List mod, and create Separate Moviesheets for that View
 which brings it back to ‘Square One’ for me again.

Anyways, at least with the LIVE HUB you can easy swap between Themes depending on your needs.

Well here some pics, and download link at the bottom
  (a decent amount of Demo Movies this time ) :slight_smile:

PASSWORD:     jsmyth


This work is beyond awesome!


If only WD came up with a moviesheet view whereby,

if folders are arranged like that:




movie.jpg – cover box

sheet.jpg -moviesheet.

Then when selecting the folder, the sheet.jpg is displayed. This will facilitate the life of all of us.

No Need to design special themes!

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thank you

great work :dizzy_face:

and the password of the rar is ???

What is the password for extraction?

Please vote for this idea:

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sorry about that, brain is fried !   honestly forgot !  (will add it in the original post)  kudos ! :slight_smile:

Password: jsmyth

Truly amazing work, greatly appreciate your time , effort and smarts.  Looks fantastic.


I modify the template a little bit

runtime value moves to the left for more 99 minutes movies :wink:

gonna make my “special” for tv show :wink:

only question is , anybody know what the optimal resolution should be for folder.jpg thumbnails?  just trying to get some made for my tv shows and so far they look like ■■■■.

very nice work it freestyle dash 2 ;)  xbox360

any chance you could upload your modified template? still learning how to use theumbgen and not sure how to move the run time left a bit :S

I delete the rated information to enlarge runtime

I add the tvshow template (bĂȘta)

wow thanks :slight_smile: now to try and understand thumbgen lol i cant seem to get the larger pic in only the dvd art? i dont know just have to try work it out lol

the runtime is still too far right / hasnt changed for me?