[APP] Transmission various versions for firmware V4+ (05/2020)

@guibizet, if you want access externally, your current settings seems to be correct as below.

“rpc-whitelist”: “”,

“rpc-whitelist-enabled”: false,

You should be able to port forward 9091 and access them externally via http://your-external-ip-or-host:9091/. If you can’t, double check your port forward settings.

And if you do this, I would also suggest that you should enable authentication in the settings as below because it will be exposed to public. Even better, use apache’s virtualhost and rewrite reversed proxy so you can hide transmission webui behind apache2. You need to do few changes to apache2 to accomplish this but I won’t cover them in this thread.

“rpc-authentication-required”: true, 

“rpc-username”: “your-username”, 

“rpc-password”: “your-password”,

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@Hancas, no problem. But if your only 3rd party app is transmission, I strongly suggest that you upgrade to the latest firmware v4 as it’s much faster than v3.

Save your “settings.json” elsewhere eg. on your PC, then copy it back after you upgraded to v4 and installed transmission from the 1st post.

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@jopereira : on 623 fw

@ Nazar78 : I have check and recheck the port forwarding wo any luck.

I will retry this evening:

Update : working now, i was having a typo in port forwarding.

change the identifaciton and so on : work great , able to launch the dl from my nexus 5 on the transmission app to the wd :d

Thx !

@guibizet: Thanks. Will install it soon :smiley:


Do double check your port forwarding or router settings. I’m able to do it without any extra changes to transmission:-

Port forwarding:

Apache Reversed Proxy:

Installed and working!! I was using a small, low power, low performance NAS with SnakeOS and never before had my whole bandwidth full with torrents!! :laughing: 50Mbps bandwidth = 50Mbps torrent download !!


Very nice, paced guide. Thanks.

The only thing that didn’t quite work at first was resolved with “chmod -R 777 /DataVolume/shares/Public/Transmission/;” you sugest later (could/should it be included in guide?).

After all, without much knowledge of Linux, I did install Transmission in no more than 5 min. NICE !!


No problem. The ones you mentioned “chmod -R 777” is already translated in the 1st post as below:

mkdir -pm777 /DataVolume/shares/Public/Transmission/Downloads /DataVolume/shares/Public/Transmission/blocklists /DataVolume/shares/Public/Transmission/torrents /DataVolume/shares/Public/Transmission/resume ~/.config/transmission-daemon;

Is there a reason for those directories been hidden from view before the chmod?

(I was not able to see them with Windows SMB browsing or  in ssh session - not sure if I tried ls -al at that time)

You mean ~/.config ? chmod doesn’t change the files/dirs visibility. In linux files/dirs with “dot” prefix are not shown unless you want to ie. “ls -a”. WIKI. And the ~/.config is the original path for transmission standalone.

I could be wrong but I was unable to see inside /Public/Transmission. Just an empty directory.

After chmod, I could see all (four) directories and their files.

I repeat, I could be wrong.

I have another MyCloud to make (not mine), I’ll let you know how it goes.

I can confirm, without “chmod -R 777 /DataVolume/shares/Public/Transmission/;” I’m unable to see Transmission directories, including the “Downloads” where Transmission has already write to.

Keep in mind that these WD MyCloud (one 4Tb, the other 2Tb) are as much as original/default settings as it can get.


I used “ln -sf /shares/Public…” and not “ln -sf …/Public/…” commands, if that matters.

Perhaps the -f is a little too much and overwrites permissions?


Noted and thanks. I’ve added to the OP. Mine was pretty much modified, it could be the case that I can see the paths but not others who is on stock firmware.

How to uninstall Transmission?

Thank you!

nad238 wrote:

How to uninstall Transmission?

Thank you!

If you installed from the 1st post:

# Stop the daemon:transmission-stop;# Uninstall the package:dpkg --purge transmission;# Remove the stop script:rm -f $(which transmission-stop);# Remove the bootup crontab, look for it and remove the line:crontab -e;# Purge all the created symlinks, paths AND its contents:rm -fr ~/.config/transmission-daemon /shares/Public/Transmission;

I registered just to say MANY MUCH THANKS!!! I lost a lot of hours of thinking how to get my fail buy to get torrents downloading - a seller in a store told me its a great buy as it has software to download torrents. Ofcourse it didnt had any sw for downloading so i had to search for alternatives as transmission. You, dear sir, made my day (night :slight_smile: )!

Again, many many thanks! :slight_smile: if you come to Slovenia, i’ll buy you dinner and get a nice tour around my town :slight_smile:

Best regards,

@max00slo, no problem~ enjoy… :stuck_out_tongue:


I may at some stage install transmission on my brand new my cloud but I had a couple of nooby questions about your install steps before I take the plunge:

This command to sim link the appropriate download folder?

ln -sf /shares/Public/Transmission/Downloads ~/;

Should only be done when you are in the directory:


Which would be in the home directory of whichever user you installed transmission as right?

So maybe /root/Downloads/ ?

Otherwise this part “~/;” ends up simlinking whatever directory you happen to be in to:


Which if you were in “/” ie root, would be very, very bad right?

And this instruction:

“Create a script called " transmission-stop” in path to easily stop the transmission-daemon (enter all in a single line):"

Can that be created in any directory? Or the transmission directory or what?

I am not actually performing the steps so maybe its more obvious when you are actually doing it but Id rather not break my shiny new toy just because I did something stupid. Ive broken my pi a couple of times due to poorly used relative commands so Id like to make sure im doing things right.



The “~” in linux denotes home path (or whatever set in /etc/passwd). So in this case ~/ equals /root/.

And also this command “ln -sf /shares/Public/Transmission/Downloads ~/;” is linking the “/shares/Public/Transmission/Downloads” to “/root/Downloads”.

For the “transmission-stop” script, it will be created on your executable path /usr/local/bin/ which is the same path as the transmission-daemon resides, so you do not have to enter the full path when executing the script.

No worries, I wrote the guide with simplicity that one could just copy & paste on a stock device. But it’s good that one ask when in doubt and not doing it blindly…


“No worries, I wrote the guide with simplicity that one could just copy & paste on a stock device. But it’s good that one ask when in doubt and not doing it blindly…”

That’s exactly why your guide is top quality - one can just copy/paste, everything is going to work just fine.

But if one like to know what is going on, your explanations are very welc0me :smiley:.

Excellent post. I just installed Transmission including the watch folder. Working fine. Please let me know how to stop if no active torrents. Thanks.