[APP] SickRage various versions for firmware V4+ (02/2016)

No need reinstall from my installer if you already have the v6, just remove the configs then restart. If that doesn’t solve the issues, please wait for the v7.

go it. thanks.

were those the right commands to delete files and folders?

Yes looks good.


service sickrage stop;
rm -rf ~/.config/sickrage;
service sickrage start;

problem solved by deleting original config.ini file. thanks…again

No problem, glad it helps (-:

Thanks for the reply. I ended up deleting V6 and reinstalling V4 as deleting config.ini didn’t solve the issues I was having. I will make another attempt at the upgrade soon but for now my set up is working :slight_smile:


I’m using SickRage on my WD Mycloud since quite a while but since I’ve updated to last firmware, nothing works anymore… : /
I cleaned everything, re-install SickRage but I still have 2 issues:
1- The update feature don’t work, is it related to “git” been desactivated (why it is desactivated?) ?
2- When I add an existing show, I get a kind of infinit loop error with this on the logs (thousands of entries per 5mn, locking SickRage):
“2016-02-15 16:50:33 Updating network timezones failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: http://sickragetv.github.io/sb_network_timezones/network_timezones.txt

Any help would be greatly appreciated !


1- The update sometimes requires compiling of newer dependencies. MyCloud doesn’t even have GIT to begin with, least to mention about compiling/building environments.

2- I’m just helping to build, for help you need to check with the developers. Could be a bug.

There’s a newer version, I’ll post it soon when time permits.

For those who’s following this post, a new version has been added to the first post.

Note that the package is quite large in this release and could take awhile to install.

It might take a few seconds for the WebGUI to become available on start. You can check it’s status service sickrage status;.

The auto update feature might not work as MyCloud lacks build environment. I’ll try to keep up with the posting of newer upcoming major versions.

As promised to my donors, they will be the first to receive newer builds. I’ll make it public soon so stay tuned (-:

[20160217] Added SickRage v7.0.23-1.

version 7.0.23 up and running. I had no luck with the previous version at all. It did not let me add my existing shows from my old sickbeard library, and the webUI kept on freezing.

This error was looping in the previous version, probably causing most of the freezing issues:
WARNING::WEB::Updating network timezones failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: http://sickragetv.github.io/sb_network_timezones/network_timezones.txt

So far I loaded in two shows and everything is running great. No more time zone error issues, at least for the time being.

Keep up the good work! Thanks!

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Could you build a package with this sickrage version.?


Like Mark_griffin mentions, versions above V4 have many bugs/issues and are running unstable for me… :frowning:

Try both v7.0.23-1 and v2016.02.16-1 on other devices and let me know which one works for you.

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With this last version I have so far encountered two problems related to subtitles:

  1. Existing Subtitle scanning. Through xbmc I have already downloaded all subtitles for shows that I have watched. They are in the individuals show’s directory’s. Sickrage is not finding any of them when scanning files. All video files are properly scanned and displayed as should.
  2. Once subtitle search is enabled, clicking on “Missed Subtitle Management” brings back to the Show list screen.

This is the line I’m getting in the debug log.
2016-02-20 09:03:00 DEBUG::tornado::Failed doing webui request [/manage/subtitleMissed/]: Traceback (most recent call last):

I am busy trying to contact the developers regarding this issue. I will update here when i get an answer.

Everything else still seems to be working alright.

@Nazar78 I noticed that on my brother’s version of sickrage running on a synology there are more options listed under the subtitle page, more specifically the option to enable/disable “Perfect Subs”. This might be the solution to one of my problems problem.

Where are you getting the builds that you are using? I’m wondering why this option would not be included in our build.

The ones here are from Python repo which I believe is in sync with GitHub - SiCKRAGE/SiCKRAGE: Mirror of OFFICIAL SiCKRAGE.

Which version are you seeing in Synology? Later I’ll try to check with one of my donors who’s using Synology, I helped with his WordPress installation on the DSM 6 Beta.

This is the info from his running sickrage:
Branch: master
Commit: 26ddbf4b882c293c187fe3ec88dd6e826eeed7a7
Version: 2016.02.16-1

here a screen shot with both subtitle sections next to each other. I high lighted the options on the synology side that are not present on our version.

Edit: nazar, can you give me the commit of the version you used so I can file an issue report that adheres with sickrage’s policies?

2016.02.16-1 is from the newer repo pointed out by jan_janssen GitHub - SiCKRAGE/SiCKRAGE: Mirror of OFFICIAL SiCKRAGE.

As for the commit version you’ve asked, I noticed it’s not synched with the Python repo version 7.0.23 I got it from, in GIT it’s commit a58ca539dd9864ffaafcca5dcb037cd408988aca version 7.0.22.

Not sure which is which but later today I’ll try to build from the newer repo and let you test if it’s good.

Ok this is from GitHub - SiCKRAGE/SiCKRAGE: Mirror of OFFICIAL SiCKRAGE master branch commit 26ddbf4b882c293c187fe3ec88dd6e826eeed7a7.

Unable to find /root/.config/sickrage/config.ini, all settings will be default!
10:33:00 WARNING::MAIN :: Unable to setup GitHub properly. GitHub will not be available. Error: [Errno -2] Name or service not known
10:33:05 INFO::MAIN :: Backing up database before upgrade
10:33:05 INFO::MAIN :: Proceeding with upgrade
10:33:05 INFO::MAIN :: Add minor version numbers to database
10:33:05 INFO::MAIN :: Updated to: 42.1
10:33:05 INFO::MAIN :: Starting SickRage [] using '/root/.config/sickrage/config.ini'
10:33:06 INFO::MAIN :: New API generated
10:33:06 INFO::TORNADO :: Starting SickRage on
10:33:06 INFO::MAIN :: Checking for scene exception updates from http://sickrage.github.io/scene_exceptions/scene_exceptions.json
10:33:29 INFO::MAIN :: Checking for XEM scene exception updates for theTVDB
10:33:51 INFO::MAIN :: Checking for scene exception updates for AniDB
10:34:13 WARNING::MAIN :: Updating network timezones failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: http://sickrage.github.io/sb_network_timezones/network_timezones.txt
10:34:35 WARNING::MAIN :: Updating network timezones failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: http://sickrage.github.io/sb_network_timezones/network_timezones.txt
10:34:58 WARNING::MAIN :: Updating network timezones failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: http://sickrage.github.io/sb_network_timezones/network_timezones.txt
10:35:20 WARNING::MAIN :: Updating network timezones failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: http://sickrage.github.io/sb_network_timezones/network_timezones.txt
10:35:43 WARNING::MAIN :: Updating network timezones failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: http://sickrage.github.io/sb_network_timezones/network_timezones.txt
10:36:05 WARNING::MAIN :: Updating network timezones failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: http://sickrage.github.io/sb_network_timezones/network_timezones.txt
10:36:29 WARNING::MAIN :: Updating network timezones failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: http://sickrage.github.io/sb_network_timezones/network_timezones.txt
10:36:52 WARNING::MAIN :: Updating network timezones failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: http://sickrage.github.io/sb_network_timezones/network_timezones.txt
10:37:14 WARNING::MAIN :: Updating network timezones failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: http://sickrage.github.io/sb_network_timezones/network_timezones.txt
10:37:36 WARNING::MAIN :: Updating network timezones failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: http://sickrage.github.io/sb_network_timezones/network_timezones.txt
10:37:58 WARNING::MAIN :: Updating network timezones failed, this can happen from time to time. URL: http://sickrage.github.io/sb_network_timezones/network_timezones.txt

Think I know why the ‘Updating network timezones failed’. It’s just a simple action downloading the text file http://sickrage.github.io/sb_network_timezones/network_timezones.txt to parse timezone. In the log above my dev env wasn’t configured properly for network. If you see lots of those errors, most probably http://sickrage.github.io/ is down. Check if your WD can reach the URL, my problem was /etc/resolv.conf wasn’t properly configured.

so you already found time to start building from the new repo?

I figured the timezone issue would be something simple like that.


this is from my previous post AND from the old repo, note the sickerageTV. if you click that link it doesnt work. The link you just posted produces the list of timezones that’s necessary. I guess when they switched to the new repo they disabled the link…That’s one problem troubleshooted.

[quote=“Daryl_Pancer, post:58, topic:96150”]
so you already found time to start building from the new repo?
[/quote] Curiosity kills, it’s almost 4AM here.

[quote=“Daryl_Pancer, post:58, topic:96150”]
if you click that link it doesnt work
[/quote] I must be sleepy :confused:

Would you like to try the 2016.02.16-1 ? I’ll post it later, seems it uses a bit more memory then the v7.

hahah i like your style.

Yea I want to try it! Dont kill yourself thougH :wink: Is memory going to be an issue? I’m only running sickrage and transmission, but the idea is to run these continuously while streaming shows from the mycloud to different clients over the network.
Is the “top” command the best way to view usage?